Monday, January 20, 2014

My New Year’s Resolutions

Well, I can say that I only have one New Year’s Resolution this year and it is this-BE HEALTHY, and even more importantly with that BEING HAPPY! That includes all areas of health: spiritual (being at the top of the list), emotional, mental, and of course that oh-so-popular health area (especially when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions)-physical. Now, even though it is one single goal, there is a LOT of lifestyle change, and mini resolutions that come with it. This blog is a place where I plan to document what I do and the results I find, and lets be honest a place to hold myself accountable to my new goals for my new life. So here are all the areas as listed above in more detail.
Spiritual: Live in a way that is more centered on the Gospel and my Savior, so that I can find the added peace and joy that comes from making the spirit the biggest part of my life. I will be making this a focus by saying morning and evening prayers (individual, family, and couple’s), reading scriptures daily (as a family and personally), and focusing on filling my life with wholesome and uplifting influences.
Emotional: I will achieve being more emotionally healthy by really focusing on being more positive. Simple concept. I know, but for me it has always been more like rocket science. I really try to be positive around others, but struggle silently and inwardly. My hope this year is to make it more of a natural occurrence inside and out, rather than the forced one (at times) it has felt in the past. I am pretty sure that by focusing on my other three areas of health, this one will come a lot more naturally. I plan on really focusing on my blessings to help alleviate my struggles with anxiety and depression. I am hoping that this will replace fear with faith and despair with hope.
Mental: I really want to constantly be learning and growing and developing throughout my life, and so I hope that this year I can pursue this passion and put this goal into action. I plan on making reading a part of my everyday life. Whether it be to escape to a magical world and set my imagination free, or a book to learn and grow as a person and spirit, or to get further ahead with our business by developing myself and my mind and setting my gears up for success!
Physical: This is not the most important one per say, but it definitely affects the others that are more important to me. Most women hate their post-baby body, but ironically enough I actually see mine as a goal to aspire to. The picture below is me two weeks after giving birth (left), and the then two years after giving birth (right). See what I mean? Maybe it was the fact that I lost more weight during my pregnancy than I gained due to being so sick and being on a gestational diabetes diet for the last third of it. And maybe I have gained so much since having Jayden because of all of the stress the past two years (trust me, there has been a LOT), never working out, and eating terribly, but it is time for no excuses and work, work, WORK! I have never exercised or eaten healthy regularly in my entire life! Sad, right? I mean I have been active with music-dance-theater and such, but I have never had a regular routine of my own. Yup! I am turning 27 this year and I think it is high-time I start taking care of my body if I want it to keep taking care of me.
So how do I plan on achieving this? Well, let’s just say that although this goal may not be at the top of my list, it is definitely taking the most time and is the reason behind 75% of the changes I have made to my life. Starting last Monday, I am focusing on…
all while eating six small HEALTHY and balanced meals/snacks a day, and not eating past seven p.m. I am also drinking 10 cups of water a day! My bladder is going crazy! Ha ha! I drink an eight ounce glass before every meal which helps me to not overeat.
I am also working out six days a week with 20 second fitness (LOVE it). It is intense but short and sweet, so it is bearable. I also do crunches and pushups every day. I do them until I am sore and then I do thirty more crunches and ten more pushups, to really burn fat and get those muscles into shape. And I top it all off with 1-3 hours of cardio with Zumba and dancing at play practice to keep my metabolism kicking! I do enough to make sure I am burning what I eat, so I don’t have excess calories, carbs, and fat to burn. Let me tell you, this past week about killed me, but I am already noticing a difference in how my clothes fit and my muscle definition after just one week! WOOT!
Guys and Dolls (the show I am currently in) is a HUGE incentive to stay on top of my physique with determination, focus and drive! Considering I am a hot box dancer in it, I want to look good opening night! That is the goal! Also being in shape tends to help when it comes to dancing and singing at the same time. ;)
Well, there you have it! My New Year’s Resolution that entails tons of mini resolutions and lifestyle changes. I will be checking in here regularly with my progress. Wish me luck!!!
*all photos (other than the ones of me) are compliments of Google Images.

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