Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Cute Little Jaydenisms: Age 3!

9/25/14-We were driving in the car tonight and a slow song came on the radio. Jayden called out to me from the backseat with a cute "Dance with me Mommy!". I looked back to see his cute arm and hand extended towards me. It was the sweetest thing holding hands with him and swaying to the music. LOVE that boy!!!

10/1/14-I love how much this little guy treasures his scriptures. He even reminds Ben and I to take time for them on crazy days when we almost forget. He is such a great example to us! I especially love the cute way he says “scoopers” (scriptures).

10/8/14-Conversation between me and Jayden just now-
Me: Hey buddy! (as I sat next to him on the couch) Can I give you kisses?
Jayden: No, Jayden want to give Mommy kiss instead.
Me: Really? I LOVE your kisses! (I start to lean towards him and stick my cheek out for my kiss)...
Jayden: No, Mommy just stay still.
Me: Okay. (As I sit back away from him)
Jayden: I am going to give you a kiss now. (He slowly leans towards me with his lips puckered and kisses me so gently and sweetly on the cheek)
Me: Oh thank you! That made Mommy feel so special.
Jayden: Mommy is special. Mommy is my best special friend!
Me: Oh Jayden I just love you! You are just SO cute!
Jayden: (in a really deep and slow voice) I...know... He melts my heart! Being a Mommy is not always easy but it is definitely the BEST thing that has ever happened to me.

10/10/14-So we are about 8 weeks pregnant, and we had our first ultrasound and heard the heartbeat yesterday. We also brought our first ultrasound pictures home. We were just upstairs and Jayden saw the pictures strip and ran over to it all excitedly with a big smile while looking up and down at the four pictures. It was SO precious. He even tried to trade me his favorite blanket for the pictures. I decided to cut one of them off for him to have and he has been kissing it and carrying it around with him ever since. He keeps kissing my tummy too. I am just glad he is not too bummed that there are not two babies (since that is what he has been saying we would be having for over a year now). We are pretty relieved with it being just one. :) It is so cute to see him so excited about a baby. :)

 10/16/14-My family came over for dinner a few nights back after I took their pictures, and Jayden wanted to say the prayer on the food, so we said he could. He looked around the room a bit before stopping on my Dad and saying, “Papa, I need help.” My Dad started to make his way over to him to help him say the prayer, but before he got halfway there, Jayden simply stated in the cutest voice ever. “Grandpa just say it. I’m being shy” It was so cute that all of us had to stifle our giggles for the prayer.

10/30/14-Last night I bawled like a baby when we watched The Rookie as a family and I am now sitting here blubbering ridiculously after watching Sleepless in Seattle. I think these pregnancy hormones are definitely getting the better of me. Jayden keeps looking at me all concerned and saying "Are you okay, Mom?" and "Don't cry. It's gonna be okay Mom" Ha ha! On Sunday I was stressed before church with the Christmas Program for Ward Choir and Jayden was taking a bath. In the middle of my panic and sighs I heard his cute, little voice call to me and say, "Hey Mom, come here." I walked into the bathroom and said "What Jayden?" He then went on to say, "Don't worry, Mom. Everything is going to be okay. Okay?" Good thing I have this sweet boy to look after me.

10/31/14-Our little guy is SO smart! I got him some cocoa puffs to snack on and he started counting (to ten does not surprise me because we got that down a while ago), but he continued all the way up to 20! It totally shocked me! I looked at him stunned and surprised, which of course just led to him looking at me and busting up in the giggles at he shocked look on my face. Apparently Daddy has been working on this with him for the past couple of days. What a good Daddy, and what an impressive little boy! He is such a quick learner. I am SO proud of my boys! The best part? Jayden LOVES learning and has a blast during our learning and reading time each day.

11/19/14-I just talked to Jayden on the phone since I am desperately missing him and he said the sweetest thing. He told me "I am praying so Mom can get all better." When I told him that was so smart and nice of him he told me, "I am going to be good for Grandma so Mommy can get better and I can see her again." He seriously melts my heart! Mommy is going to work hard and pray to get better so she can see her little Jayden too. He is such a good example and light in our family. Love you buddy! (I have had strep and some bleeding and cramping with the pregnancy, so he has been at my parent’s since the 16th)

12/1/14-Jayden just talked to Santa Claus on the phone and is SO excited about the experience! He is being extra good today and I think I know why. It was so cute to watch him just beaming as his beloved Santa came to life on the phone. And I am happy to announce that Santa has been able to secure the two gifts that Jayden has been wanting and asking for. Happy Day!!! Holidays with kids are the BEST!!!!!

12/9/14-My favorite part of the day. Jayden's random and sweet "I love you, Mommy"s. Makes my whole life. To be in the kitchen cleaning and have him look up from his toys at me just to tell me that. It happens multiple times a day. Precious!

1/2/15-Every morning, Jayden comes to my bed and wakes me up and tells me he wants to go downstairs. Well today, I was awake but still resting and closing my eyes and I heard him come in. I waited to have him shake my shoulder and say "Wake up, Mom!", but he didn't. Instead he climbed in bed next to me and started stroking my cheek and hair. He then climbed over me to come on the other side (which had a lot more room considering it is Ben's side), and was so careful taking his time try to not step on me in the process. After carefully making his way over and trying not to wake me, he laid next to me and again started stroking my hair and cheek. He whispered a little "I love you" just as I do while he sleeps by me, and I could not help but open my eyes at this point and smile at him. It was at this point he said "Good morning, Mommy! Did you have a good sleep?" What a sweetie!!! It was just so precious to me. LOVE that boy!!!

1/12/15-Painted the accent wall for Tristan's room today. I LOVE how it brought the room to life. It was a little bit bland before. I was in the middle of painting when Jayden came and stood leaning against the doorway with his hands in his pockets and said, "You are doing a good job for Tristan's room, Mom. Good job!". It was pretty much the sweetest thing ever. Jayden has been so sweet about getting ready for his baby brother. I also made my first clothing and toy purchases for our little Tristan.

2/3/15-Gotta love three year olds sometimes. Every time I ask Jayden to do something lately, he replies with "(insert what I want him to do) is not working". For example:
Me: "Jayden please clean your room"
Jayden: "Cleaning room is not working right now" On a better note? Last night Ben and I were scramming to get things done around the house so he could get to a quiz that was due, and I was in a panic cleaning up so I could get Jayden to bed so Ben could focus. I get really anxious and stressed about everything going well and Jayden picked up on it. While finishing putting the house back together in a stressed hurry, Jayden hopped in to help me, then when we finished sweetly said "I will go to bed Mom" and scurried up the stairs and went right to bed once I had come to tuck him in. He also picks up on when I get stressed or sad or mad and always gets my attention by saying "Hi Mom" or "Look at me Mom", followed by an "I love you, Mom". He definitely still has his sweet moments. I LOVE that boy!

2/12/15-Jayden just told me for like the third time this week that I did a good job picking out our house because it has doors and windows. Good thing I did not pick one without those features. He keeps saying "I love this house. I love my house!"On a more in depth and personal note he said he also "likes my decorating and that I do a good job decorating." This kid. He kills me! Ha ha!

2/21/15-Jayden is SO excited about baby Tristan coming. He keeps saying that the baby will come out of Mommy's tummy soon and that he is so excited about it, and when I tell him it will be a while yet, he says "baby will get done growing in Mommy's tummy and then say ready Mom!" Ha ha! He is also very concerned that the baby will break my shirt, and says the baby should probably just come out of the top of my shirt and then Daddy can catch him and help him get down. Gotta love kids theories on things. When I was pregnant with Jayden my little brother Nathan (who was about 8 at the time) told me not to worry about having a baby because my belly button would stretch out and the baby would just come right out. Too funny!

2/21/15-Me: Jayden you are such a cute little pickle face! (I have several different names for him-my fluffy little pancake, my sweet crescent, my happy little cupcake-anyway I am weird and Ben likes to tease me about it)
Ben: Jayden, are you a cute little pickle face?
Jayden: Ummm...(short pause) YES!
Mom for the win! Ha ha!

3/3/15-Jayden is SO excited about Tristan coming! It just melts my heart to see his face light up when he feels him kick or watch him tenderly and sweetly kiss my tummy and talk to Tristan. He is constantly telling me how Tristan needs to come out soon so he can play with him, and then go on to share all the things that they are going to do together. My friend and Jayden's Sunbeam teacher told me he sometimes erupts in excitement during class and exclaims "Tristan is going to come out of Mommy's tummy soon!" I have told him Tristan needs to get bigger before he can come, and every morning he asks me if he is big enough yet. It is so sweet and touching to me. We all can't wait to meet and love on our sweet Tristan in just a few short months!

3/7/15-Jayden just came up to me and said that he wanted to give me hugs and kisses and then while he was hugging and kissing me said, "You are way pretty Mom!" It was so heartfelt and sweet...then he asked for the throw pillows off the couch I usually don't let him take out of the living room so he could make a fort with them in the hallway...guess who caved and let him. Smart boy! He knows how to work that cuteness and flatter to get what he wants. I am in so much trouble...

3/14/15-I was watching a movie with Jayden today and when the two leading love characters kissed he exclaimed "Oh! That is so cute! That is way cute huh, Mom?" It was so cute and funny.

3/16/15-Jayden is so excited about Tristan being here. He keeps patting my belly and saying "hurry up and grow Tristan so you can come out and go to the zoo with us this week. Does that sound like a plan, buddy?" It is so sweet. I explain that Tristan needs to stay in me a while longer so he can be healthy and strong when he gets here, and Jayden responds with "Well he can come with us to the zoo next time, right Mom?" I respond with "Yup! He sure can!", and Jayden continues on to say "That will be so exciting! I am so excited about Tristan coming with us next time Mom!" Such a sweet big brother

5/5/15-My Grandma had Jayden point to the day he thought Tristan would come on her calendar and he pointed to Friday, May 15th. 10 more days...time will tell. 37 weeks today!

5/15/15-Jayden did not want to pick up his toys so we could leave today, and after a while I started to really get after him about it. He looked up at me with his cute little face, lifted his hand and slowly moved it forward and then back again while saying, "Mom you need to settle. Settle, settle, settle." This left me laughing and pretty defeated in my strong parent stance, but at least he still picked up his toys and we both got a good laugh out of it.

5/23/15-I was in bed and Tristan was laying next to me where Jayden normally comes and lays next to me in the mornings. So when I heard Jayden waking up I panicked and tried to move Tristan, but was too late. Jayden saw us, but what happened next really surprised me. He said “Move Mom! I want to lay by Tristan!” I was shocked, but moved out of the way as Jayden crawled up and immediately started talking to and smiling at his new baby brother. Ben came in and asked Jayden who was his favorite Mommy or Tristan. “Tristan! “ he exclaimed. So I asked him the same thing about Tristan and Daddy and Tristan took the cake again. He sure LOVES that baby brother of his!

Me: Hey Jayden can you please put your milk in the fridge if you are done with it?
Jayden: No, you just do it Mom.
Me: Jayden you can do it please.
Jayden: You are stronger.
Jayden:1 Mom:0
Ha ha! this kid kills me!

7/20/15-Jayden has been walking around the house talking and chattering away about all sorts of random stuff when all of a sudden he stops, looks up at me and says, "Oh man! I don't know what I'm talking about!" Ha ha ha! He cracks me up!

9/2/15-Jayden always says “ya”… “Can I sit by ya?”, “Can I share that with ya?”, “Can I cuddle with you?” etc. It is so adorable!!!

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