Friday, April 11, 2014

Our 5 Days of FUN: Day One!

As you know, Ben is a sub (can’t wait for him to become regular sometime soon!) with the Post Office and that comes with a yearly contract. Well, come to find out, At the end of a contract and before another one can begin they have like a week off of work. Good thing he had over forty hours of paid time off racked up (due to his boss not letting us take our anniversary off last minute as well as other events last year), and believe me, we put it to good use by doing all the things we wanted to do with his days off last year that got cancelled and then some! Ben had five days off of work and we filled them with a romantic couple’s retreat to Anniversary Inn (thanks to the gift certificate we got from my parents for Christmas), spending a day out and about on the town just the two of us, taking Jayden to Hogle Zoo (finally!), going to the Hill Aerospace Museum as a family day four, and taking Jayden to the Union Station for our last day of fun!
It was one of the BEST weeks of my life!!! Time with my lovie, adventures with our baby, and relaxing and enjoying life and its experiences and opportunities. This was also the week we finally had a camera again! After failing to find a new charger for our old camera, we hopped over to our local pawn shop and scored a Nikon L310 (box, software, and all) for $79.99! We LOVE it! It was SO nice having a decent camera to capture all of our adventures!
Now, without further adieu, onto day one of said adventures-our first night in Salt Lake at Anniversary Inn! We stayed in the Twilight: In the Meadow room, and although we are not huge Twilight fans, we absolutely LOVED this room! It was SO enchanting and romantic and came complete with a waterfall (so soothing), and a waterfall showerhead. We enjoyed all the greenery and the feeling of enjoying the outdoors in the comfort of this majestic room. We chilled all day and enjoyed movies and snacks together. I may or may not have enjoyed a couple of baths in the AMAZING tub as well. It was heavenly! We had not been anywhere just the tow of us since I was six months pregnant with Jayden, so it was LONG overdue if you ask me. I seriously could have lived in this room forever.
The amazing waterfall showerhead and the waterfall on the wall opposite the tub. Heavenly folks, heavenly!
Isn’t he the cutest?! LOVE this picture of my hunky man!
So the Smith’s in Salt Lake has two huge floors. We small town folk found this to be pretty cool and amusing.
Can’t beat free sushi samples! YUM!!!
Talk about all natural nut butter!
We Ostler’s know how to party! Little Caesar’s Pizza, chilled shrimp and cocktail sauce, Pringles, cheese and crackers, root beer, chocolate covered pretzels, fruit tray, and bulk candy!
We loved the complimentary cheesecake, sparkling cider, and chocolates that came with the room-delish! It was so nice to kick back and be spoiled for a couple of days just the two of us.
Yup! The Notebook! My hubby is the BEST!!!
Because when you have two big flat screen t.v.s, you have to watch two movies. We ended the night with Knight and Day. Day one was a wonderful success folks! :)

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