Thursday, August 14, 2014

We LOVE Our Mr. Fix-it, and We LOVE Our Little Guy With the BIG Faith!

I have said it before, and I will say it again-I LOVE our Mr. Fix-it!!! I am not the only one who appreciates having him around the house. Jayden is also becoming quite the fan of Ben’s many skills with handyman work.  His faith in Ben’s capabilities is inspiring and motivational to me.
We bought Jayden a toy train from the D.I. a year ago (because let’s face it, you can get $10-20 toys for fifty cents to a buck), and we usually wait to put batteries in the battery-operated toys so that once we do, it makes it like an all-new toy for Jayden. Well, Jayden is becoming quite smart about battery-operated toys as of late. This is thanks to his battery-operated train sets that he spends all day (and a lot of battery power) playing with. He will even pretend to be a train himself and chug around the house for a bit before coming to an abrupt stop and informing Ben and I that the “train” needs more batteries. It is so cute!
Well, A couple of weeks ago, Jayden brought me the little toy train and turned it upside down to show me where the batteries needed to go. I took it from him and put batteries in it, well much to both of our dismay, when we pushed the button nothing happened. I tried to explain to him that it was broken and would not work. He slowly stopped jumping in excitement, which broke my heart as I watched his smile turn into a look of deep thought and concern. Seriously, as a Mom, those moments are the worst! Thankfully, it did not last long before Jayden looked up at me, with his cute, big smile returning as he exclaimed with excitement in his eyes, “I know! Daddy can fix it!” Knowing just how good Ben is at fixing things, my smile also returned, but I cautioned Jayden that although Daddy would try, he may not be able to get it to work. Jayden seemed to understand, but he refused to lose that incredible faith that I love so much.
When Ben got home, I told him about the train and about Jayden thinking he could fix it. I felt a little guilty putting so much pressure on Ben, but was hopeful it would all work out. He took that entire train apart at the kitchen table first thing after getting home, with Jayden excitedly watching as Daddy tried to fix his precious fifty-cent toy. Ben played with wires, and tape, and glue for about half an hour and by the end of it, low and behold that train was moving across the kitchen floor while lighting up and playing music and I am pretty sure that in that moment Jayden was the happiest boy that ever was!
Ben told me later how much he admired Jayden’s determination, and that if it had not been for that determination, he probably would not have gone to such great lengths to fix it. Ben and I learned a lot from our little guy that night about going for what we want with full faith and excitement because we know it will all work out. We also learned a lot about putting the kind of faith in our Heavenly Father that Jayden put into his Daddy that night. Sometimes all we need to do is ask and let God know how important it is to us for our greatest hopes and dreams to come true.

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