Saturday, November 16, 2013

Fun With Kyle, and a Weekend in Logan

I have been very good friends with Kyle Bybee since High School, and now he has become a good friend of our family. So good in fact, that we consider him family and to Jayden, he is and always will be “Uncle Kyle”. We often enjoy visits from him, and take turns doing dinner at one another’s homes. Ben, Jayden, and I always enjoy our time with Kyle, and last month was no different. We even enjoyed a weekend in Logan with him about a month ago.We always bring Caleb with us, and he LOVES having a yard to play in! We did the same thing last weekend too, actually, but that post will have to wait its turn. Should be soon now-YAY!!! During our weekend in Logan, we enjoyed a night on the town where Kyle treated us to dinner at Angie’s for our first time, Although, we have yet to “clean out the kitchen sink” (which means to finish a huge ice cream dessert served in a big sink dish). It was to die for yummy! We also enjoyed motorcycles rides, movies, goodies, playing with the toys and cars (although this was mostly enjoyed by Jayden), singing (practicing for Casey and Naomi’s upcoming wedding), and visiting. We even had dinner at Ryan and Hilary’s before heading home. It was such a good weekend, and weekends in Logan are becoming a bit of a tradition for us. It is so nice to just escape and get away to enjoy the company of good friends and family. We are SO very blessed with amazing people in our life!!!
Jayden sure loves having Kyle over to play with, oh and the treats he tends to bring with him-Jayden is a fan of those too. He enjoyed his first Twinkie thanks to Uncle Kyle and “the sweetest comeback in the history of ever”, of course.
He loves going to Uncle Kyle’s too! He has toys and stuffed animals to play with!
Jayden got his first tattoo thanks to a ward party he went to with my parents the night before. Anyone else find that a little ironic? ;)
While I sang, Jayden played, and Ben and Kyle watched videos about fast cars online-of course. :)
Ha ha ha! After spilling his drink, they brought him a new one with a lid. Let's just blame the cute waitress, eh Kyle? Did I mention Jayden was also very upset with the letters on the table? He kept trying to pick them off. Luckily all were still accounted for when we left.
Jayden was a little anxious for something to eat and fussy…so we resorted to the little jam packages until his dinosaur nuggets arrived.
Ditching the diet never tasted SO good! Even if I only managed to finish half of it (which is a bit sad if you know me).
We enjoyed a lazy morning of sleeping in, taking it easy, eating the yummy corn flake candy Kyle made for us, and playing.
Riding on the motorcycle was so invigorating, and brought back sweet memories of when Ben and I owned our own, our first year of marriage.
I sure LOVE this little cutie! He is having a sleepover at Grandma’s tonight, and I miss him terribly!!!
Having a pre-dinner tea-party with Aunt Hilary and Uncle Ryan. They have all the toys and necessities (which pass the awesomeness test of our little guy) we just need a baby of your own you two! Jayden needs a little cousin buddy! ;)
Nothing beats watching the popcorn popping, and then eating it while enjoying a movie!
Jayden is already quite the musical performer, and this momma could not be more proud!
After dinner we enjoyed a couple games of scrabble before heading home. It was such a good weekend!

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