Sunday, February 8, 2015

Christmas Eve Traditions and Fun!

Christmas Eve carries with it the tradition of the opening of the Christmas pajamas. It has been this way since I was little, and Ben and I have decided to continue the tradition with our own children. Jayden loves any excuse to open a present, so obviously he is a fan of the idea. Ben and I get pretty excited about our own new jammies as well.
Jayden was SO excited about his new Thomas the Train jammies! Big surprise, right? :)
Jayden was kind and helped Ben and I open our own pajama gifts-naturally.
All decked out in our new jammies to had over to Grandma’s and Grandpa's house!
Jayden took this picture of Ben and I. Didn’t he do a spectacular job?
We usually just hang out at home together on Christmas Eve, but this Christmas Eve we spent some time and enjoyed a little gift exchange at my Grandma and Grandpa Durfee’s house. It was so much fun, and Jayden even got the wooden toy car he had been eyeing at the fundraiser my Grandma came with us to at the beginning of December (pictures of that event will be included in the December Mobile Pictures Post hopefully in the next few days). Ben and I got a framed poem, that quite honestly is perfect for us given the ups and downs the past few years, and with all that we will be facing with our new endeavors in the next several years. It gave us great perspective and I truly feel that with God’s help, and if we are worthy of His blessings we are headed towards one pretty spectacular life! Who am I kidding? It is already pretty darn spectacular as it is! :)
My grandparent’s little Christmas corner. How cute is this when you no longer feel up to going all out?
Helping Grandpa (of course) open his present. We gave Grandma and Grandpa hats I had made along with some sugar cookies for Grandpa. Grandma got hers earlier so she could enjoy it throughout the Fall. Good thing since Winter has been so crazy warm.
How cute is this little car?
Jayden was so excited to see the toy he had wanted so badly. Grandma got a VERY big hug as a thank you.
Jayden told me he wanted me to take a picture of him and “Papa”. This is the cheesy grin that accompanied his loud “Cheese!” as I snapped the photo.
Since we had not eaten dinner yet, and it was getting late, and I did not feel up to cooking with the nausea, and Wendy’s was closed, and thus my dollar-menu salad was inaccessible, we enjoyed a spontaneous Christmas Eve Dinner at i-Hop-jammies and all! It was fun and may just be the start of a tradition...we'll see.
When we got back home, we opened our final gift of the twelve days of Christmas that had been left on the porch (more pics and details on all of this to come in the mobile post), and then put Jayden to bed before Ben and I enjoyed some time together. Afterwards, I left a plate of goodies, a note, and some milk out, and then headed up to bed so that Santa could come. I really love this tradition of ours. I may still be a kid at heart, but boy is it ever fun! I am lucky to have a husband who goes along with it all and loves how giddy it makes me.
Christmas morning and Santa’s surprises are up next!

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