Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Traditional Ahlstrom Family Christmas Party on the 23rd!

Every 23rd of December, my Grandma hosts a family Christmas Party at her home in Huntsville. It has been a very fond tradition and memory for me since I was very young, and it is so fun to now begin sharing it with my own children. We always do a potato bar for dinner and that is followed by mingling and visiting, gift exchanges, and goodies-including my Grandma’s famous homemade chocolates. It is always so much fun! Here are the moments I captured on film this past Christmas.
Jayden is always excited about a party. He always says “Parties is way fun!” whenever I tell him we have one on the calendar.
SO many cherished memories in this house and especially in the upstairs playroom.
We arrived a bit late (as usual), so we scored this sweet table to eat at. Jayden thought is was pretty cool. I sure fit on it better when I was his age and not pregnant. :)
Just some of us Ahlstrom girls. We just need Andrea and Lindsay and you would have all of us for our immediate family.
Grandma’s famous chocolates, sweet kisses, and delicious desserts. Does it get any better than this?
Chillaxin’ and visiting.
Present time! This is Jayden’s FAVORITE time. He tried to open any present he can find. We are working on this, but boy is his enthusiasm about it ever cute!
He was SO excited when we finally found his present in the pile!
LOVE that man of mine!
Jayden was the biggest fan of the chocolate covered peanut clusters-not your typical child. I think Jayden and Jocelyn both enjoyed the party, and they even had a little bit of snow up there. There is usually 3-4 feet up here for this party. It is crazy how little snow and cold we have had this winter. It is now February and I have the windows open day and night to enjoy the 60 degree weather. It has only snowed a couple of times since November. It has been nuts! The good news is we have saved a LOT of money on utilities as we have barely used the a/c or the heater for most of the past few months.
What can I say…he parties hard and crashes fast. I love his little tongue sticking out. He is such a cutie this one.
When we got home, we let Jayden open our present from Naomi and Casey. They got us Asian Lanterns! We have yet to use them, but are excited to someday.
When we tried to put Jayden to bed (who was obviously tired considering how fast he fell asleep in the car), he tried to convince us he was already asleep on the couch with fake snoring and this cheesy grin…nice try buddy.
Showing off his "hulk muscles" in his new jammies from Great Grandma Ahlstrom before snuggling up with Daddy and heading up to bed.
After putting him to bed, Ben and I had our own little after-party with shrimp, more of Grandma's chocolates, and the movie Ice Castles.
It was a FABULOUS Christmas Eve Eve. Christmas Eve is up next! :)

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