Saturday, February 9, 2013

The spark of our eternal flame

It was just after our fun trip to Branson that Ben and I began dating as a couple. We only had a couple months to spend hanging out before Ben graduated High School and went to Alaska to help his brother build a bed and breakfast to raise money for his mission. Unfortunately I was not as picture happy back in the day (believe it or not) and we only have these few pics at our favorite Brigham City Park-Pioneer Park-that we took for the sole reason that Ben was leaving and we did not have any photos together yet. We spent lots of time at this park (both as friends and boyfriend/girlfriend) talking about the deep philosophies of life, our goals we had as well as our dreams for how it would turn out and of course eating Domino's Pizza in the middle of the bridge (the very spot we got engaged Valentine's Day of 2008).  I have some awesome memories with Ben at this park both as silly teenagers and again as a more mature just as silly adults. I don't think we will ever really grow up and I am perfectly okay with that! :) Our other memories and traditions from back in High School include, but are not limited to-swimming and hot tubbing Crystal Hot Springs (just 5 minutes up the road from Ben's parent's house), ice-skating in Logan, movies, hiking in sardine canyon and our favorite-simply hanging out and talking together-be it talking on the telephone (there were MANY long, late nights where we lost track of the time) or at our favorite park. We have always had so much fun together.
It was about a week after this that I had to tell Ben goodbye and send him on his way to Alaska. That was a hard night. We wanted to kiss (for our first time) SO badly, but his mother kept coming out just before we were about to-she is good, that one. ;) I still remember missing him so much already as I drove home that night and really wishing I had gotten that kiss. At that point in time our courtship turned to letter writing. Why not e-mail you ask? Well this little gal right here did not have web access. My parent's actually did not get internet at our house until a couple years ago-crazy, I know. I am not gonna lie though there is something very romantic about penned letters and I got one almost every day! We learned so much about each other through our letters. Ben remembers smelling my perfume (yup-we're cheesy like that) before he even got into the house and being very excited that that meant there would be a letter waiting for him.

Can you tell I am a bit of a sentimental pack rat? I am clearly more of a hopeless romantic than Ben. I did send him letters too, but since he did not save them, I guess you will just have to take my word for it.

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