Monday, April 8, 2013

Decking the Halls in Colorado

Since all of our Christmas decorations (remember them from our first Christmas?) were locked away in a storage bay in Utah, it was hard to get into the Christmas spirit for me. I know it is not about all the material things, but there is just something magical about cuddling up with a blanket and hot cocoa while enjoying the Christmas tree. Growing up it always felt like a safe and good place to me. I still did not want to buy more when we already had so many, so I tried to make the most of it. It got harder as Christmas got closer and closer and being away from family and friends did not make it any easier. You see, Christmas has always been a HUGE deal to me. It is that time of year when all the sadness and struggles of life seem to be overcome with the magic of the season and I needed that this year.
Ben is AMAZING and took me shopping for Christmas decorations. I don’t think I have ever been more excited to shop for anything. We went cheap-a small $20 tree, ornaments from Dollar Tree and Wal-mart for a dollar, a $3 tree skirt, a $2 star and some $3 stockings and splurged on $5 stocking hangers (since we did not have any back in Utah). I have to say it was SO worth spending that $33. Ben and I had so much fun decorating our home that Christmas. Thinking it was not going to happen just made it mean more and I appreciated it all the more. I am so glad we got those decorations. We got rid of the tree and tree skirt, but still use many of the decorations now and the memories that linger with them are absolutely priceless. Ben and I talk about that Christmas every time we hang the ornaments on the tree from back in 2009.
Christmas 09
Christmas 09-1
Christmas 09-2
Christmas 09-4
Wasn’t it just enchanting? Pure magic I tell you.

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