Saturday, May 18, 2013

Life Rolls On…

The month of May flew by, and I had a lot of fun with Ben and some of my girlfriends. Here is a quick little re-cap of May 2010:
life rolls on
We bought strawberries-because I absolutely LOVE them-and this HUGE beauty was in there. Yes, it tasted just as good as it looks!
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Olive Garden date night!
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Night on the town to see Iron Man 2 and we grabbed some quick Mckie-D’s on the way.
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After a long day at work where I got this bruise, I came home to this card and these flowers. Ben always knows how to turn a hard day into a good one!
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Then I highlighted my hair,
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and had a girl’s play day with the EcoSure Wives from Denver so we could meet Alyssa’s baby Paige. She was to die for cute! I also had sushi for the very first time ever, and fell in love! It was a fun and busy month!

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