Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Greeting Cami After Her 5 Months in Ecuador

You may have noticed that my sister Cami has not appeared in many photos over the past little while. This was because she spent from October 2012-March 2013 volunteering at an orphanage in Ecuador. We were so proud of her for her decision to sacrifice her time and efforts to help young children in need of help and love. In the end she found it to be far more of a reward, than a sacrifice. She still misses that beautiful place and those sweet children, I am sure. We were sure happy to have her back though! At least for a little while before she left to serve an LDS mission to Oregon this past June. We are looking forward to greeting her again next Christmas! SO proud of her and the amazing and incredible person she is!
Jayden got more than a little excited about the “weee!” (escalators), so Grandpa was nice and took him down it and then back up on the other side.
Afterwards, we went to Chuck-A-Rama to grab some food and celebrate having Cami back. Jayden had fun making silly faces, I just can’t figure out where he gets it from. ;)
Derek did an official “cheers!” to having Cami back, right before making this sundae masterpiece!
Speaking of missions and people leaving, I don’t know what we are going to do when Jared leaves on his mission in October. Jayden just adores his Uncle Jared.
Whenever Jayden gets an “owie”, he has to have it kissed better. Who says Daddy kisses and yummy scones can’t cure hurt fingers?

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