Monday, June 17, 2013

It’s a BOY!!!

I am sure this is no surprise to you, considering this boy will be 2(!) this fall, but for us and our friends and family it really was a surprise two years ago! Everyone, including ourselves were really thinking we would be having a girl! When we took guesses from my family, my little 5 year-old brother Derek even said, “I want to say boy, but I really think it is a girl.” Imagine his excitement upon finding out it was in fact a BOY! Although, he was still a little bummed to find out that they don’t come right out of the womb ready to wrestle and rough play. He sure has fun with him now though! My brothers make such fun Uncles! They really crack us up sometimes with how they see things around them, though. When we first told my family we were having a baby. We asked the little boys if they were excited to be Uncles. The excitement on their faces quickly died, and little Derek exclaimed, “I don’t want to be an uncle, I just want to be a little boy!” It was so funny! He thought he had to be a grown up to be an uncle, which makes sense since all of his Uncles are 40 plus years in age. That poor boy was traumatized! I mean can you imagine going from 5 to 50 all because your sister decided to have a baby? We quickly explained to him that wasn’t the case, and that Ben was an uncle before he was even born. Although that seemed to make him feel better, I think it also left him even more confused.
This particular trip at 18 weeks to the doctor’s office was the absolutely only one that we did not receive any bad news about our baby or the pregnancy, so it was my favorite! It was pretty funny though because I wanted a boy and Ben wanted a girl (probably had something to do with me having all guy friends growing up, and Ben having all girl friends-can you say comfort zone?), so when they told us we were having a boy and I got excited and Ben got a little bummed, the ultrasound technician found it pretty amusing, since she had figured our reactions would be reversed. It created some good laughs. It did not take long before we were both excited about our little boy on-the-way, and we even came up with his name this day! The entire ultrasound before finding out the gender, I was watching our baby wiggle and move around, and I kept feeling that this baby’s name was Jayden. What?, I thought. I did not want to name my little girl Jayden. I have so many girl’s names I want to use already, that Ben and I will most likely never be able to use them all (unless we have 30 plus girls, that is, like I said-unlikely, at least it better be). I talked to Ben about the name on the way home and we both just fell in love with it! So, Jayden I hope you like it, because no other name really felt right to us. Daddy and I both somewhat feel that you picked your own name. Man, can I just say how baby hungry starving this post is making me?!
We loved our technician! She had quite the sense of humor with her labels as you will also see in future posts.
The shot of his precious little feet is my favorite!
Us after just finding out-we were so happy and excited!!! There were still tears on the drive home as always, but this was the first and only that they were happy ones!

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