Thursday, June 20, 2013

Sisterly Summer Fun!

As had become tradition for my siblings, Andrea and Lindsay came over for their sleepover. We had a lot of fun together making cookies (at midnight..shh! Don’t tell Mom!), getting snow cones, playing at the park, grabbing In-N-Out (it became tradition to introduce my siblings to its delicious-ness), playing games and the Wii, taking some 6 month maternity pictures, watching movies and finally swimming! I say “finally”, because we waited two days with our complex telling us the pool would be open, just to have it never happen! It was so frustrating, and the girl’s were very bummed out. Luckily, my sister-in-law said we were welcome to come to their pool which is bigger, nicer and much cooler, so it worked out wonderfully! I was so grateful to her. I felt bad getting the girl’s all excited to go to our pool, just to have it fall through when they kept getting all geared up and ready to swim. It was a wonderful few days! My siblings usually come by themselves, but these girls insisted on coming together instead. These girls sure are a lot of fun and the best of friends, which is pretty cute if you ask me.
Ready to swim!….or not! Snow cones and the park it is then!
Oh, the cravings and the swollen ankles that pregnancy bring!
6 months pregnant!
Wasn’t my 12 year old sister, Andrea a wonderful photographer?
In-N-Out! It was a hit!
Homemade oreos! Notice the time on the clock and no this was not during the day. I am either the best or worst big sister ever-you decide.
Another day of waiting for the pool to open, and getting bored waiting…
Hitting up Matt and Julie’s Pool-Thanks guys! Although, this trip had some mishaps that just about destroyed our anniversary plans for that weekend. My sister-in-law had me pick up the key to the pool, because they were meeting us a bit later. A few minutes after they arrived someone came running into the pool saying that a black Chrysler Sebring was being towed! Apparently, I did not get the memo about the parking pass that we needed…Ben and I went running out of the pool to the parking lot! This was our only car and we were a little ways from home, not to mention our getaway to Providence Inn up by Logan with a $300 two-night reservation we could no longer cancel. Oh no! Why is it things just seem to not go right for us? The car was already booted and the onto they were getting ready to load it into the truck. As you can probably guess-towers can be quite jerks! My brother-in-law came out and tried to clear things up, vouching for us as saying that we were with them and did not know about the parking pass. They did not seem to care. I was ready to cry. We had saved for our anniversary for 6 months and in all of ten minutes all that planning and saving was going down the drain. I may or may not have turned on the water works and used our bad luck and difficult pregnancy as a bargaining chip (disgraceful, I know). They finally said we could just pay the $80 to get the boot off. $80 dollars to get a boot off? We only had $60 on us and they would not let us run to get more cash! I was about losing it at this point in time. Hey! Don’t judge…I was emotional and pregnant and these guys were jerks, okay? They finally said that they would just take the $60. Well there goes our play money, I thought, but at least we would get to go!!! After a very emotional two, yes count them TWO hours of bartering for our own car, we went back in to enjoy one last half hour of swimming before getting ready to leave. What a rollercoaster! I was just glad that someone came and told us, otherwise it would have been so much worse with having our car held over the weekend. We were counting our blessings and those blessings only increased when Ben’s brother had us stop at his house on the way home. We were a bit confused, but Ben came back out to the car afterwards with $60 his brother had given him to replace our spending money for our anniversary! We were so grateful and did not want to take it, but Ben told me he had insisted. What a blessing! Other than the emotional and exhausting experience and missing two hours at the pool, we still came out on top of it all! So grateful for blessings amidst trial! Our amazing 3 year anniversary post is up next!!! I have never been more grateful for a getaway in all my life! And the swimming that night was still a BLAST drama and all!
The girls and us had SO much fun!!! We dropped them off on our way to celebrate our 3 year anniversary! Stay tuned for that, because it is up next!

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