Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ostler March Madness in 2011

I was nearing 12 weeks pregnant, and was really looking forward to it since I heard that is when a lot of the sickness subsides (found out that was not the case for me), and I was still losing weight like crazy. It was starting to make me a little nervous about supporting myself and the little one growing inside of me. Ben and I ate out-a LOT more than I like to admit, since I neither had to deal with the smell of cooking or the smells cooking left when we did so. You would think after all those I-Hop pancakes, I would gain a little weight-nope! Pregnancy was like a get out of pounds free card, which was great, other than worrying about the health of both my baby and myself. Ben continued to be incredibly supportive and sweet and made sure to help me cheer up and make sure I still had fun by helping me host parties, taking me shopping, playing lots and lots of board and Wii games together, taking me to Provo to meet my bestie Camille’s cute little Mattix, taking me out to enjoy some days outside together, at least when the long winter weather would allow, and taking me to his parents to feed baby cows and meet his brother Mike for the first time (crazy right? I have yet to meet many of his siblings believe it or not. It is definitely different. I am really hoping to meet them all one of these days). March was a rough month pregnancy-wise, but with Ben by my side, it still ended up being an amazing as usual.
12 weeks!
12 weeks pregnant (and stomach even smaller than at 8 weeks)!
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Dinner with Matt and DeNeige!
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Our St. Pattie’s Day celebration treat! Fruit and fruit dip (with green food coloring, of course. This also worked out perfectly with fruit being one of the few things I could keep down). It was SO yummy!!!
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I-hop, shopping and goofing off! Ben is such a fun guy to be married to!
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Ben saw me eyeing all of this stuff and insisted that we buy it. I am spoiled! I still have them all and LOVE them to this day. The wallet is my favorite. Isn’t it adorable?!
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Playing Monopoly!
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Girl’s day out to Applebee’s with Mom and Grandma! Oh, and little Derek tagged along too.
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…like I said, we played-A LOT!
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Meet Mattix! Isn’t he precious! It made Ben and I SO excited to meet our own little one! We grabbed some good ole’ Subway on the way home.
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One weekend, the weather cleared up and we went park hopping from park to park, to make up for all the days we were stuck inside. The first one we visited had a bridge. Ben and I LOVE bridges and actually got engaged on “our” bridge back on Valentine’s Day in 2008. We even had a cute little bridge at our reception to put the presents on. It was kind of perfect.
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We grabbed some drinks to take with us to the park next. I craved chocolate milk like crazy this month.
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Nothing like an afternoon nap in the park!
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I got all dressed up to meet Ben’s brother Mike, not knowing we would be feeding calves, so Ben’s Dad let me borrow his boots and jacket. The calves were so cute and it was a neat experience. It is a little weird and ironic writing about this now though, since the meat is sitting in our freezer as we speak. Guess you could say I fed them and now they are feeding me…sad…this is probably the first time ever I have wished I was a vegetarian.
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Donny, Mike and us!
baby decor

I found these adorable wood cut-outs at Dollar Tree (I practically bought them out) to keep me busy during the day while Ben was at work. I busied myself with crafts, nursery decorating, One Tree Hill, Army Wives, and Grey’s Anatomy on those long sick days to keep from going completely stir crazy as I am used to being really busy. I LOVED these cut-outs! They definitely made those long days go by a bit faster and it was fun to let my creative side loose.

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