Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Our First Primerica Event!

Not only was this our first event with Primerica, but it was also our first time getting recognized for all of our hard work, and it.felt.good. This is the day we officially became District Leaders! This is such an AMAZING business and we feel so grateful to be a part of it! We feel good about where our efforts have gotten us thus far, and can’t wait for our future here with some of the best people, in the best business that I know! So here is to bettering lives, bettering people, and bettering ourselves! I apologize in advance for the blurry pictures. Our camera is temperamental and you have to push the button halfway to focus and then all the way to take the picture, which is hard to explain to other people I randomly get to take pictures of us. It was a two day event, with the formal event on Friday night, and then the awesome training meeting on Saturday.
primerica event!
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The District Leaders and our Leaders
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The new RVPs on our team! Way to go guys!!!
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After the late night event and early morning training with an hour commute, we were a bit tired. Good thing the sacrifice was SO worth it!
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Awards for being in the top for recruiting and production!
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Our AMAZING team!

You may notice that I have very few posts and pictures of the month of November. This would be due to the fact that I was so busy building our business. It was time well spent.

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