Monday, March 18, 2013

4th of July 5k and Fireworks

Since our men had to work on the 4th of July-lame, I know-“the wives” and I signed up for and prepared for a 5k. We all went shopping together and even bought matching outfits and proudly wore the “EcoSure Wives” logos we designed with fabric paints. I may or may not have gone all out with mine (I tend to do that) and had a little too much fun with the paints. Yes, I just had to also do an 09’ on the back of mine, accented by flowers and other girly things. We had so much fun together that day and it was the best it could have been in beautiful Colorado (other than our men being away, of course). These girls are fit let me tell you, and this was an event I felt a little less than terrific in comparison, but I had fun. One day I will stick to a fitness plan for more than a week or two at a time…one day. We ended the event with a huge and goofy photo shoot and then went to breakfast together.
5k 4
5k 3
5k 1
5k 5
5k 7
As much fun as I had with the girls, I was excited for my double date with Ben, Julie, and her husband Ben. We treated them to Applebee’s for dinner-it was delicious-and then headed to the grocery store to grab snacks before setting up our blanket and getting comfortable to watch the fireworks. Ben and Julie’s  puppy Brutzie even tagged along for our firework adventure. We got quite the firework show as there were about 6 other firework displays around us. From where we were, we got a panoramic view of all of them! Which honestly, was pretty terrific!
4j 4
4j 1
4j 2
4j 3
As much as I missed my family’s tradition of camping out in my Grandparent’s backyard and enjoying the Huntsville festivities, it was all-in-all a pretty good 4th of July!

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