Monday, July 29, 2013

Our May of 2012

May was another hard month. It got even harder as we began realizing that it may not be getting any easier any time soon. We made the most of it, and found joy in little things like cheap homemade cookies, getting domestic and making our own baby food for Jayden,  playing with Jayden and soaking in all of his giggles and happiness, enjoying his little triumphs like sitting up by himself for the first time and beginning to stand with the support of someone or something, spending time enjoying games and good food with family and friends, cheap movie date nights at home, and enjoying walks in the beautiful nature and sunshine. Turns out, amidst all the stress there was still so much to be grateful for and so much happiness.
Trying to sit up, just to fall over. He was getting there though!
Playing at Grandpa and Grandma’s and having fun with all the neighbor kids, that love them so much, and come to visit (can’t say I blame them, their house is my happy and safe place in life). Jayden got such a kick out of playing with them. He got giggling so hard while playing with Jordan, that I worried he might forget to breathe and pass out. It was to die for cute though!
Then he cuddled with Bethany. Oh, and tried to eat her fingers-that too.
Look who started sitting by himself without falling?! Just look at that big accomplished grin! I LOVE it!
Yay for Play days with Aunt Cami!
Uh oh! Someone was a bit fussy. It was time to kick it into high gear and play some “blast off!”, as we called it. Basically, I would hold him and make him stand on my stomach while counting to three, and then say “BLAST OFF!” and fly him into the air. I have so much fun playing with him still to this day, and by the look on his face in the picture below, you could definitely say it is a favorite past time of his own.
He has SO much fun that it wears him right out, and nap time becomes a breeze!
When he woke up, Cami and I took him for a walk, with Mickey-of course.
Chillin’ and watching High School Musical ( I mean, what other show is there?"). He has always had to have something to cuddle with for as long as I can remember, no mater what he is doing.
Walking down the stairs with Daddy’s help, of course.
Dinner and games with our old neighbors and good friends, Ryan and Karina. Jayden struggles with nap time when he knows fun company is over, so we let him just play in the living room under the toy we used to make a tent so he could fall asleep. It worked like a charm!
Movie night with my babe!
Another fun day with Cami enjoying the Ogden Nature Trail!
Isn’t it beautiful?
We had to make a little pit stop for a diaper change, so our little guy could get back to his happy go lucky self.
Ha ha ha…so funny story, we cut our old entertainment center up to fit this T.V. we were going to buy from my Mom’s friend Korina, just to find out  we were not going to keep it due to these green spots on the screen. Good times! Don’t feel too bad. We bought it from the D.I. when we first got married for a whopping $10. At least it looks more modern now, right? ;)
Cami ate WAY too much at dinner. She is really letting herself go. Ha ha! Just kidding! Cami got sunburned on her stomach while tanning, so we let her use our rice sock we keep in the freezer to help her feel better, which just so happened to look like the perfect muffin top.
Sneaking in a nap and playing with Uncle Ryan, while visiting my Mom one afternoon.
While I was inside helping Grandma with some projects and remodeling in her house, three of my four favorite boys were enjoying one another and the beautiful day outside. I came out for a quick break to find this.
Jayden sure loves adventures and exploring the world with his Great Grandpa Durfee!
When Ben got off work, he came over to join in on the fun! I am pretty sure Caleb loved having him off work.
Yay for finally having a little kennel and some real dog toys!
Our first official walk with Caleb (once we finally bought a leash). He was not too happy about it, and we got our first glimpse at his stubborn side. In the end the cement was still a bit hot, so we let him ride in the basket on the stroller.
Look who started trying to stand up? And can you believe what a ham this little guy was for the camera at just eight months old?
I sure love my boys! I am so very blessed!

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