Monday, July 15, 2013

Our December 2011

December of 2011 (like most months), was filled with dates, friends, food, fun, and of course that oh-so-wonderful magic that comes with Christmas time. We were so glad to still be in Utah and that we decided not to move back to Colorado. We also continued our house hunting (well mostly me, which got interesting with a baby now in tow). After looking at tons and tons of houses and making offers on many of them (and only having Ben look at the really good ones), we came across what is now our home for the first time. It was an exciting and busy time in our life.
Ben and I finally spoke in church for the first time after being in the ward for almost a year, and having them forget that they asked us once (we, of course, found out after we had prepared our talks, and dealt with all the lovely nerves that come with public speaking, at least for Ben and I). My family came up to be there and to sit with Jayden. Didn’t he look sharp that day? I loved this outfit on him!
After church, my family all came back to our apartment. Can I just tell you how crowded our apartment would get with my parents and the kids over? Our place now is not much better, but at least we have a little more room for company. We still loved having them over-crowded and all. I think all the company wore little Jayden right out.
Jayden may have slept through our decorating fun, but boy did he ever love looking at that Christmas tree!
Play day with Ben and Camille Hatch and their own little cutie Mattix. Our “Ben’s” watched the little guys while we girls went Christmas shopping for them.
I absolutely LOVE these pictures of Jayden with Ben’s father. Ben got a haircut from his Mom (have I ever mentioned that both of our mothers do hair?), and then Jayden stayed and played at their house while Ben and I went to Farr’s Ice Cream, to Farr’s Jewelry to get my ring tightened and cleaned, and to Fat Cats in Ogden for a little date night together. I think it is safe to say we all had a good night!
Jayden was out for the entire drive home that night. He must have had lots of fun playing with Grandpa and Grandma!
My Dad came to visit with my Mom after he had his Lasik surgery. Everything went well with his Lasik, and I think Jayden was pretty happy to have him visit.
Chili and breadstick night with Kyle!
Jayden watched his beloved High School Musical (which as you can tell by the far right picture, he was quite enthralled in) before cuddling with Ben and falling asleep. That boy sure loves his Daddy! The next day we went to my friend Alyssa’s to play with her and her daughter Paige. Paige and Jayden became instant friends. I wish I would have gotten a few more pictures, but Alyssa and I were too busy “oooing” and “aweing” over how cute they were together.
Hanging out at my Aunt Kayleen’s house after making spud nuts with Grandma Durfee. We stopped by to say hi while house hunting in the area, and Jayden and I decided to stay for the fun! Ben joined us after getting off work (since he was also working in the area with his new company). I sure hated having him working so far north with us living in Murray. With his already long work days, he got home very late. Soon after Ben got there, he and the little ones fell asleep.
Stay tuned Christmas traditions and celebrations with family is up next!

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