Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Our 4 Year Anniversary!

Being as we were a little tight, we planned a nice relaxing couple days at home. We made homemade pizzas, and spiced just staying at home up with setting up the blowup mattress in the living room, and making a little creative and romantic anniversary suite! That combined with some treats and a chick flick made it pretty perfect, if I don’t say so myself. Honestly, with how busy Ben’s work schedule was, and with all the stress we were dealing with at this point in time, it was just nice to relax together, forget about all our worries and stresses, and just focus on one another.
We did save a little bit of money, and used that, along with a discount coupon to get into the Living Planet Aquarium in Salt Lake with our little guy. We thought back and forth between the aquarium and the zoo for quite some time as we were making our plans months before, but decided on the aquarium, figuring that with Jayden being so young he would probably enjoy it more. We settled with saving the zoo for this year, but with Ben’s new job and not ending up being able to be off (despite our efforts weeks in advance to make it happen-so frustrating), we are still waiting for our trip to the zoo. We are (hopefully-fingers crossed) hoping to be going this fall, with the added bonus of saving six bucks by so doing. Anyway, back to the aquarium-Jayden LOVED it!!! We had the hardest time getting him to look at the camera for pictures because he was just so busy basking in it all. I was SO glad we decided to go with the aquarium. It is such a fun memory I have with our little family, and was a great way to celebrate our four years of marriage.
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Don’t you just love how Jayden is using Ben’s ears for handles to hold onto? Oh, and did I mention he found the splashing of the stingrays while they ate absolutely hilarious? It was so cute! I think know that Ben and I enjoyed watching him a LOT more than the exhibits, but can you blame us?
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Petting the Stingrays!
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He finally looked at the camera during a snack break. Can you tell he was having fun?
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When we dropped Jayden off at my grandparents for a little sleepover on our way home, my cousin Hannah was there visiting. Needless to say, Jayden was pretty happy about staying and playing. With the major anniversary festivities finished, Ben and I headed home for some relaxing time just the two of us before picking Jayden up the next day.
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Happy 4 years to us!!!

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