Thursday, July 11, 2013

Our First Halloween as a Family of THREE!

Jayden’s first Halloween was a happy one, other than finding out we were losing the house in Eagle Mountain (this was the 13th we had made an offer on, and at just 4 years old and with 4,000 square feet, it was a steal for $160,000), due to Ben’s company selling out and all that fun and craziness with possibly moving to Colorado, or staying and taking a pay cut. I am glad we took the pay cut and stayed here, even if it was scary and was quite hard for about a year. I know it was the best decision and that we were guided by the spirit because of our many, many prayers and blessings.
The night before Halloween, we went to my parents for a Halloween Dinner Party and to carve pumpkins. It was so much fun! We were also able to dig up the Halloween costume that my mother made for me when I was a baby for Jayden to use. Isn’t is adorable?! It was such a neat experience seeing my own baby in it. He looked so cute both this year and the next. I am thinking this year it will be time for another one since he will be too big, and I am a little sad. I am however excited to plan a big family theme (cheesy, I know, but it is fun) since Ben will be able to come trick-or-treating with us!!!
Don’t you just love mine and Ben’s masterpiece? We went for cute this year instead of scary (if you could not guess that for yourself).
We came home and put this little guy outside our door first thing! For Halloween the next day, things got a bit offset with the news about the house Halloween morning, but we made the most of it, and thanks to my sweet husband and our adorable son, there was still SO much to celebrate and enjoy that day! We thought it best with such a young baby to stay inside and enjoy the trick-or-treaters (we were a little bummed there were not more).
Ben was sweet and made me a candle-lit Halloween dinner (I married a good one, folks!), and we ended the night cuddled up on the couch watching a movie with some snacks and our little Jayden. All while counting our blessings, trying to remember what is really important in life, and having faith in God’s plan for us being what was best. It was a good Halloween even with bad news. Looking back, I can honestly say I am so grateful the house did fall through and that I am so very grateful for a loving Father in Heaven who’s plan for us is so much better than the plan we often have for ourselves. :)
Happy Halloween 2011!!!

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