Monday, July 8, 2013

Life With Our Little Man of the House

Our life-quite literally-revolved around our little Jayden that first little while, honestly, it still very much does. I wish I could go back in time to when Jayden was so little and new and fun, even with the sleepless nights, messy house, and me rarely getting in the shower for the day, let alone ready for the day. Every new movement and sound, and watching him grow and develop, has all been such a miraculous and wonderful blessing in mine and Ben’s life and we love sharing those moments with our loved ones. Jayden is such a smart and fun-loving boy and looking back, and enjoying looking through these pictures reminds me of how he always has been so bright and fun. He is the biggest blessing in our life thus far, and I can hardly wait to continue growing our family and getting to enjoy many more moments like these with our sweet little ones.
Mary stayed with us for a week, and it was so fun to get to know her better. It was so nice to have a little extra help and company.
Messy room, messy hair, messy house, make-up less face, and yet I could not picture a more perfect and happy moment.
About to head out to Jayden’s 2 week doctor’s appointment.
Boy how I wished he would sleep like this at night those first couple weeks. We tried and tried to keep him awake during the day (other than his scheduled nap time), to try to get him on the same schedule as us, but boy could that boy sleep through anything-note the photos below.
My parents came for dinner one night while Mary was staying with us, and although it was a nice evening spent together, I was having a really hard time. It was the day of his two week check-up. Despite my best efforts to help Jayden nurse, he would just try and try only to end up crying until he fell asleep, and he was not gaining the weight he desperately needed to. The most stressful thing about adjusting was eating. This particular day not only were Jayden and I told we were just being lazy about breastfeeding by his pediatrician (too lazy to try when you are starving and are trying for hours? Give me a break!), but I was told that his weight loss was getting dangerous as far as him staying healthy and alive for that matter. All my emotions came out that night as I tried once again to get him to eat. We tried everything-breastfeeding, pumping and using the cleft bottle, and even a medicine dropper at one point in time. Feeding times became the hardest parts of the day because of the stress that came with it, and seeing how hard of a time my sweet little Jayden was having. That night, my dad and Ben gave Jayden a blessing. I am so very grateful for the priesthood! The blessing reassured us that Jayden would be okay, and would grow up to be healthy and strong. I tell you, I did not know what worry or emotions really were until becoming a mother. The blessing also said that we would figure out how to feed him and the next day, Ben’s mother Mary did just that. After saying a personal prayer herself, she felt guided to use a specific cleft bottle, and to hold that bottle a certain way, and viola! Jayden went crazy and ate a ton! He gained back all the weight he had lost and then some just a week later. The nurses said they had never seen a baby his age gain so much weight in just a week, and we were finally in the good zone as far as health and worry are concerned (enter my huge sigh of relief with many tears of gratitude here). I am so grateful to have a Heavenly Father who is not only mindful of my needs, but my child’s as well, who can guide me and those around me with the Spirit to know how to best care for my little one.
Cami came to visit often, and I loved having an adult around to talk to and enjoy Jayden with, while Ben was at work.
Snuggles with Mommy!
Ryan and Hilary stopped by one night for a double-date movie night and of course, to see Jayden. If you ever are lonely and want company just have a baby! :) I think my parents came over twice the year and a half that we had lived there before Jayden, and then it was multiple times a week once he was born. It was pretty funny.
Jayden’s first appointment with his cleft surgeon, Dr. Warnock. We love this doctor and so does Jayden. He is so incredibly cute with him, and so nice and supportive with us. We always enjoy our visits here. I have not gotten a picture of Jayden with him yet since Ben and I have been so engulfed in these important and sometimes emotional visits, but I stole a couple off of Google so you can at least know what he looks like.
Andrea and Lindsay stayed with us for a bit while my Dad had a doctor’s visit just before he got Lasik for his eyes. They begged to come down with my parents so they could be dropped off to see Jayden. I think they might like him a little bit. ;)
Grocery shopping for snacks for our first official movie and pizza party (a tradition of Ben’s and mine) as a family of three!
Going to Daddy’s work and meeting everyone for the first time at about a month old. Don’t worry, the big spider in the background is dead. Creepy still though-trust me-I know! I actually worked in this office for the last few months of my pregnancy to help out with the busy season and help us bring in a little extra money, and some of the things in there spooked the living day lights out of me!
Ben treated me to a date night at Maddox while my family watched Jayden. My brothers Jared and Ryan worked there, as well as Ryan’s wife Hilary, so we got to see Jared and Hilary this night (Ryan was too busy in the kitchen so we waved hello through the window as we left). Ryan and Hilary even gave us a gift card for our meal that night. Can’t beat that! I have awesome siblings and an equally awesome sibling-in-law!:)
It was fun to have a little us time. We were going to hit up a movie to, but got missing Jayden too much, so we skipped it and went and played with Jayden and my family instead. Best.decision.ever.
Visiting Grandma and Grandpa Durfee. I love looking at these first pictures of them together. Especially, knowing how much he loves them and how close he is to them now. Like with me, these two are probably his best friends. Every time he can see we are driving to their house he gets all excited, and when we get to their house, he excitedly runs around looking for them while calling out their names. He LOVES being at their house, playing in their backyard, going for long river walks with his Great Grandpa, and enjoying making goodies in the kitchen with Grandma.

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