Saturday, July 20, 2013

Recovering and Having Fun With Family and Friends

We took it pretty easy the week following Jayden’s first surgery. Ben and I were coming out of so many emotions, with relief being the biggest one remaining. Ben, Jayden and I were all pretty exhausted after the whole ordeal and I know we were all happy that the first big surgery was over with. The biggest emotions post-op came with adjusting to our baby’s new look, and trying (believe it or not) to not miss his cute little cleft. It was hard those first few weeks to get used to it not being a part of his adorable big grin (especially with the swelling). The best news is that that everything went well, and I could not believe how quickly it healed and how strong my little guy was through it all. My Mom came down and helped out for a couple of days, and we even got some much needed foot zones. Don’t know what a foot zone is? Look it up. Better yet-get one! They are AMAZING!!! A few days later my Grandparents had us over for a sleepover and some good ole’ spud nut making and of course, spud nut eating, to help cheer us up after the emotional rollercoaster Jayden’s surgery brought. We even had a joint Family Home Evening with some neighbors. It was nice to kick back and take it easy while surrounding ourselves with the best parts of life, while counting our blessings.
Taking it easy and watching High School Musical the day after surgery with Daddy.
These arm restraints were the hardest part of the post-op experience. We tried to give him plenty of time out of them, while holding him to ensure that he could not get his hands to his face, but I felt so horrible making him sleep in them. It did not take long for him to figure out how to get out of them. By post-op morning four, I started finding them at the bottom of his crib. Luckily, he seemed to leave his face alone those nights, and it was not too scary since the cuts were healing. He was such a trooper about it all and definitely an inspiration to Mommy.
Jayden even got to meet Grandma and Grandpa’s good friend Sheila.
My parents stopped by too. Jayden was (and is) definitely a very loved little boy!
Once all the company left, we put Jayden down for a nap and then got started with the spud nuts! It is such a fun tradition we have with Grandma, and if you ask me, traditions just get all that much better when they are not only fun, but yummy too!
Grandpa was sweet and rocked Jayden once he woke up from his nap, so we could finish the spud nuts.
Trying to sit up on his own. He is definitely a stubborn little fighter. I would reach out to help him, and he would just fuss and push me away until I let him do it on his own. I can’t complain since I know where he gets it from.
Jayden has LOVED music since the day he was born-literally. He used to love to just lay on a blanket with Ben’s phone next to him playing music.
At the end of the week my whole family came down for Sunday dinner, so the kids could visit Jayden. Jayden was a little fussy with church being right during his nap time. Don’t you mommies out there just love 1:00 church? (Note my extreme sarcasm here)
We had fun with our neighbors Ryan and Karina eating chocolate pie and playing the Wii. I think it is safe to say Jayden enjoyed watching.
What can he say? Even tough guys have a soft side. We sure love this cute little character!

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