Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Life With Our Little Man of the House: Part Two

Things settled down a bit as we got into the groove of the whole “parent thing”(of course there is always more to adjust to) and with being a family of three. Jayden sleeping through the night was also a huge plus and blessing. I am praying that all our children are that good, although I am definitely not planning on it. We were pretty lucky. We were having fun enjoying watching him grow and develop, as he started to make little sounds and movements, followed by a quick and accomplished grin. We were enjoying many firsts like his first full bath (other than just a sponge bath), his first time sleeping through the night, and my personal favorite-his first smile. Life felt so perfect and Ben and I found ourselves wondering how our life ever had meaning without him. I am sure we will feel the same way as we welcome other children into our family, home, and life. We were very excited to celebrate his first holidays with him (and I will post those soon starting with his first Halloween), and I am happy to say that they all created some great memories. Life was good, but what can I say? Babies have a way of making your life so much happier and more meaningful.
We stayed the night at my parent’s, and went to their ward’s church meetings the following day. I am pleased to announce that Jayden got all of his fussiness out before church and was a gem for the entire three hour block.
Ben and I wanted to enjoy a walk, so we took Jayden to the mall just down the street for an evening stroll and of course to get some See’s Candies.
Jayden discovered what the T.V. was, and it was pretty obvious he was pretty amazed by it.
Matt and DeNeige came to dinner one night, and although he loved DeNeige ( he even put the moves on her right in front of Matt), but he peed all over Matt…TWICE! Ha ha! It was so hilarious! If you know our history, it is even funnier.
Dinner at Chuck-A-Rama with my parents and grandparents.
One Sunday during Jayden’s nap, Ben and I snuck in a candle-lit roast beef Sunday dinner. It was nice.
Jayden loved to be in his swing and look at this view out the window. When the wind would blow the leaves, he would get very excited and pump his legs, clench his fists, and go very wide-eyed.
Just look at that strong neck! We were so proud!
It had been a long day with Jayden and I both being sick, and when Ben came home he found us like this and took a picture.
Cami came for another visit, and was sweet and watched Jayden while Ben and I went on a date that night when Ben got off work.
We went to the Cheesecake Factory with the gift card our realtor gave us congratulating us on Jayden’s arrival.
Tummy time with friends!
Making Ben lunch on his lunch break. He did not come home often, but when he did, Jayden and I LOVED it!
1st full bath! He actually liked it, and now he begs for them.
Lexi came over often to visit and hang out. Jayden and I enjoyed the company. Jayden especially!
The kids always loved it when we Jayden came to visit.
We stopped by on the way home to see Grandma and Grandpa, and Great Grandma Durfee even got Jayden’s first smile! It was SO cute, even if I was a bit jealous, but I was just glad I was there to see it. She had a very hard time with his cleft lip, having had two brothers with it, and I think this was his way of letting her know he was okay.

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